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★快来看★超可爱姐妹牛仔碎花小裙+牛仔碎花连体裤详细制作过程(转载国外网站 )

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发表于 2015-2-28 17:06:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 mayan_home 于 2015-2-28 17:12 编辑

(转载自:http://www.makeit-loveit.com/2013/01)   作者:Ashley37 Comments

Whew, just in time.  Little outfitsfor the 4th.

I know, totally not necessary.  Ornecessarily worth staying up late to finish.  Who says you have to havesomething new/patriotic to wear for the 4th?  No one.  But I surelove it! :)  There’s something about wearing all of that red, white, andblue that feels satisfying on the 4th.  If you’re with me, please try andexplain this to my husband. ;)

And because I was short on time, I madeoutfits for my girls that were relatively simple.  No arm holes, no biastape around arm holes, no lining, no interfacing, etc.  Just a few simpleseams, some ties at the top, and that’s it.  However, if you want to addan extra ruffle to the bottom of the dress or make a romper, it will take justa tad more time.  But only a tad. ;)


Would you like to make your own RuffleDress or Romper?
It doesn’t have to be 4th of Julythemed.
Use any ‘ol color.  There is plentyof summer left to need one or two.

Since I made this outfit as a dress anda romper, I’ll explain how I made both.  First of all, the main piece ofthe dress can be one full piece of fabric, with a seam down the back. However, to make the romper, I made a front and back piece, so that there wouldbe no seam going through the snaps at the crotch, only seams along thesides.  Make sense?

Okay, here’s a little illustration toshow you the pieces and sizes that I used to make my girls’ outfits.  Elliis 5 years old and wears a size 5, sometimes a size 6 in clothing.  Chloeis 16 months old and wears 18 month clothing, sometimes a 24 month size. So, if your child wears something similar, my measurements may behelpful.  Otherwise, you can adjust this concept however you need, to bestfit your subject.

Let’s make the ROMPER first.  Hereare my pieces below.

Place the two Main Bodice piecestogether, with right sides together.  Sew along both sides (17 inchsides), using a 1/2 inch seam allowance.  Also, fold the Ruffle Strip inhalf and sew the ends together, using a 1/2 inch seam allowance as well.

Then, turn the Ruffle Piece right sideout and press the seam flat.  Then fold the bottom edge up a 1/4 inch,another 1/4 inch, and then sew in place.

Then, turn the Main Bodice section rightside out and iron those seams flat too.  Then slide the Ruffle Piece overthe Main Bodice section, both pieces right side out, and match up the upperedges.  Serge (or zig-zag) the two edges together.

Then fold that upper serged (or zig-zagged)edge over 5/8 of an inch, towards the inside of the fabric (which is 2 layersof fabric being folded over).  Then sew that flap of fabric down as closeto the bottom edge as you can, creating an elastic casing along the upper edgeof the Main Bodice/Ruffle.  Be sure to leave about an inch opening. Thread some 1/4 inch elastic through that opening.

Knot the end of the elastic and thenallow the elastic to tuck back into the casing.  Sew the casing closed.

Next, fold each of your 4 strips in halflengthwise and then iron flat.  Then open up and fold both edges into thatironed crease, then iron flat.  This creates a “bias-tape” typefold.  (Bias tape tutorial here formore visual.)  Then sew each strip closed.

Now, determine where each of your fourstraps will go and then sew each strip to the inside of the dress, making sureto tuck under each end towards the dress.  (Trying the dress on yoursubject may help with strap placement.)

Then knot the other end of each strip(or hem them).

Now, you could now just hem the bottomand just create a plain dress……..or you can go HERE andturn it into a romper.  (There are 4 rainbow shape cutouts below. You just can’t see the ones behind very well.)

However, instead of threading elasticthrough the bottom casing, I serged the bottom edge (you could also zig-zag)and then just zig-zagged over a strip of elastic (zig-zag wider than theelastic).  Just start at one end of the elastic, tack it down in place,then stretch it out the width of the leg hole, and zig zag right over top ofit.  Then tack down the other end.  (And to know how much elastic touse, measure around your subject’s little thigh.)

See the zig-zag?  This is just aneasy way to add elastic to something.  Making a casing works too……it justtakes longer.  Remember, I like short cuts. :)

Then, finish off the romper, just likethe link shared above.

Here’s a hint for the top ruffle. To keep it from laying flat against and just looking like a panel, it needs alittle help to give that ruffle some fluff.  So, fold up the ruffle andlay it flat.  Then stem/iron it and create some creases.

Then fold it back down and steam/ironagain.  Now your dress has its own creases and the ruffle has its owncreases.  So they will now both lay differently and ruffle differently.

To create the DRESS:

Make everything exactly the same as theromper, except there is only one Main Bodice piece, instead of a front and aback.  Sew that one piece into a tube, the same as the Top Ruffle and thencontinue on like shown above.  Also, if you don’t want the ruffle at thebottom of the dress, make the Main Bodice section longer and just hem itup.  However, if you want the Bottom Ruffle, place both pieces together(which equal about twice the width as the bottom of the dress) and sewtogether, with right sides together.  Then hem the bottom edge under aninch (zig-zag/serge and then fold under an inch or fold over a 1/4 inch andthen 3/4 of an inch) and sew in place.  Then gather the top raw edge and attachit to the bottom of the dress.  (If you need help with gathering orattaching a ruffle, go here.)

And that’s it.

A sweet little romper and a fun littledress.  Pick your favorite.
Happy 4th of July (for those whocelebrate)!  Enjoy a slice or two of watermelon for me, would ya? :)



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